Trackball and Joystick
- A pointing control device consisting of spherical ball, having some portion projecting above the surface.
- It is stationary and doesn't require more space.
- Used in military applications, video games and now in some new mobile phones like T-Mobiles, blackberry etc.
- Consists of two valuators either potentiometers or shaft encoders that senses the rotations of the ball and supplies results proportional to its relative position.
- The ball is free to rotate in any direction.
- To move the pointer, user need to rotate the ball with your thumb, finger or palm of your hand and can click one of two buttons to select deselect the item.
- A controlling device consisting of one or more buttons and a stick that is mounted in the base.
- Used in computer games and controlling machines such as cranes, trucks, aircraft etc.
- Similar to trackball it consists of two or three valuators either potentiometers or digital shaft encoders.
- Valuators provides the result by varying the pressure, speed and direction of the stick.
- Joystick pointer or object keeps moving in the direction of the joystick pointing and stops moving when joystick returns to its upright position.
- Extra buttons and triggers are used to assign commands or initiate actions.
Tip Box
- Computer and video games.
- Air traffic control room.
- Sonar equipment on a ship or submarine.
- Mostly in video games.
- Remotely operated vehicles.
- Flight control in aircraft.
- To drag missile commands in military jets.
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